Thursday, January 24, 2008

Freelance projects

1. Need 3 Different Banner Designs :
Graphic designers need for 3 Banner ads with different designs

Our company need web banner design for advertisement on major search engines like yahoo, google, aol, msn, altavista..etc.we need the banner design with following features.....
2 Cleaning company require persons for sweeping serv
Work: Cleaning Company require someone for street sweeping.

No of vacancies: 15 for 3 months only.

Company profile:
Sweeping Services Ltd. is a complete maintenance company dedicated to providing customers with quality cleaning and maintenance services tailored to individual customer needs...

3.Web Developer for Online Party booking website
party service company needs web designers to design online booking system to facilitate its prospective customers in registering them selves and to give specifications (like budget ,venue, menu…etc) of the party service they require....
4. Require Furnitures for new office in Nottingham
We start a new office in Nottingham. so that we need internet office furniture with high quality and contemporary design. We need rectangular desk that must be highly flexible modular office furniture system featuring a traditional cantilever leg frame
Require Furnitures for new office in Nottingham ...
5. Advertise our Handloom
To advertise our Handloom shop we need a advertisings group to advertise our handloom to publish in a certain areas. I’m running a handloom shop in a Leeds city, its contains all variety of handlooms with nice attraction to customers....

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