Tuesday, January 8, 2008

freelance Website Development, Domain & Hostingite Development, Domain & Hosting

1. webdesign and webapplication:
cheap website design web application and other web services with
good service with intime delievery

Sqad Technologies is an european based IT consulting
and offshore software development company offering on-time,
on-budget and cost effective extended enterprise, e-business and
other software solutions leveraging the web to globally deliver
end-to-end solutions.....
2.Large multi user on CMS
I need an SEO expert that can bring more traffic to my free gift incentives website.


1. NO BLACK HAT at all in any way
2. Guarantee Needed!!!
3. Explain a bit about what you will do when bidding (use private message board)
4. 100% accurate time frame and reasonable price
5. Free gifts related sites (see freeipods.com or ipodtouch.com)....
3.redesign website
We wish to have our entire site redesigned.Redesign will be limited to homepage and users panel.This is more or less a mock up of what we want our users panel to resemble:

The template we are seeking,should be similiar to the following:

Please note,you must be willing to accept a small deposit now and the balance later,after the final site draft has been approved....
4. search engine script
Need a custome search engine script designed which will index webpages and display results based on the queries.

It has to have a header footer and Right now for the adverising purpose which will be operated through Admin panel. The results will be displayed based on the indexing available in the database.

Like Google it should crawl the webpages based on the webpage popularity. It should have the critia for ranking the results such as google which will be added through admin panel.....
5.SMS to be withdrawn
I need a software that will be able to synclonise with existing bank software eg foxpro and then read the account balance according to account holder request. The software you need to make is one that is biometric and can accept a fingerprint reader. The account holder will place his/her fingerprint on the reader and the display recognise him/her then request for account number, phone number and the amount needed. this software will then send to account holders celphone as SMS which can be taken to agents here who are can give cash and claim money from the celphone service provider. I can give more details. find attched file.....
6.Transfer of website
want website to be a linking website between me and several media houses.

When you want your adverts to appear on our local dailies newspapers, you have to send a msword with pictures in a flashdisk or floppy disk. So i want my website to change this method.

I want an interactive website (ecommerce) that will have a section for people to design an adverts or upload. when you upload your advert, the cost should be deducted from the sender cellphone amount. That advert will be taken to a target media house which will print it on the local dailies or broadcast it.....

7. Image swap
i need 6 images on an image map to swap when moused over and at the same time trigger a swap of a second image which is not being moused over.

because the static images are part of a non-linear image map, it is likely necessary that you superpose the active image on the static image when it is moused over, instead of doing a real 1-to-1 swap. the images on the image map are irregular and probably too close to each other to allow clean rectangular cuts without overlaps....
8.RSS feed reader
would like a feed RSS generator that is easy to install (no need for MySQL I think) and outputs a code that the settings are editable from.
The script is to be installed by other users so it needs to have some kind of interface, even if it is just a table with fields and tick boxes.
The script needs to include the following settings....
9.SEO Link
We are looking for professional skilled persons who can get us inbound links from relevant site Content. We need 15PR5 and 5PR4 one way google links. Details of the project will be given to the selected bidders.

Terms and conditions
1. The Links must be permanent.
2. Only Inbound links accepted. No link exchanges.
3. ust be manually submitted. No software allowed....
10.Need for VOIP Operator
This is a odd project since I only need to get some things explained =)
What I intend to do is to start a small VOIP service to provide cheap calls to some specific countries to landline phones....

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