Saturday, January 5, 2008

Freelance Web project with database.

1. Webdesigner for Media Related Company: A media related company requires web designer The media company has one party (reporters) to register and upload the news i.e. videos, audios, photographs...etc to the database and the other party (users) to register, download and view the uploaded news.....
2. Need Web designer for Online Party Booking website
party service company needs web designers to design online booking system to facilitate its prospective customers in registering them selves and to give specifications (like budget ,venue, menu…etc) of the party service they require. The developer only design the images also, we didn’t provide any image. You should send your portfolio and attach some example designs you made.....

3.Media related Website with File Uploading Facility
Description: Project Overview

We would like to develop an media related website .This website will allow customer to sign up, upload pictures,video,images,files,audio files, music ,video files…etc.All items will be cataloged for the community to interact with....
4.Website designers wanted for travel agency website
A web design for a single page is need for a travel agency and car rental, the design has to be done in the proper way with out so many tables, easy to load and it should be 100% search engine friendly.. The design should be need professional look and soft colors. we need this project very urgently so bid this soon. If you need help or queries contact us. If we satisfied your work we will business with you for our life time projects.....
5.Website design for Party Service
web design for a single page is needed for a party service, the design has to be done in the proper way with out so many tables, easy to load and it should be 100% search engine friendly. This web site going to be converted from asp to so they should be properly design ,In future there is no problem will create for conversion. The design should be need professional look and soft colors.
The bidders should have knowledge in search engine optimization Concepts. Our website should come first ranking for particular keywords.....
6.Our Company needs three steps design and developme
Our company need one website which should be a professional design and color, we need to be nice, soft, design for Cleaning Company which provides cleaning solution in Swiss. We need this website with fast loading specialty with search engine optimization techniques......

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