Thursday, December 20, 2007

freelance graphic designer job

1. Software company need letterhead designer
New software developing Company needs a new Letterhead. It needs to be better looking and classier than your traditional Letterhead.
We are a new company we need a letterhead that should be very classy and nice looking.Design has to be simple and professional.....
2.Need Freelance Graphics Designer
Our company specializes in all types of print media designs such as flyers, letterheads, logos, business cards and brochures. We take your idea and make it great or we can use our creative professionals to design your business needs. Our company also designs marketing plans for your special event or advertising goals....
3.Kunrinkural website need GIF Animated advertisemen
Wehave one website in the name of,This is tamil based website.Our
Kunrinkural website need GIF Animated advertisement for the advertisers.
(This is only for the Tamil specking designers)
We need different type of 10 advert (as GIF with animation) flashing the product or service with there contacts.....
4.script for flash designers
need my simple viewer pro script modified to display a full page image when the current large image is clicked. The image should have a matching roll over icon that states "Click to enlarge". Once opened, clicking the image should revert the user back to the simple viewer script image.......
5.Expert required for freelancer required
I require a designer for a re-branding of our website and also a food service website.
You should be very innovative with your designs and also know how to market products, as I will want you to come up with design ideas to help promote and market the features and services we offer.....
6. webflash key
would like a flash header for my site websites, in place of the orange header, it should fit the theme and colour scheme of the tv to the left of it (a web 2.0 feel). It should also get across the message that websites make instant ready made websites for ?99 per year with domain name and hosting included....
7.colour product
In the first instance we would like to see examples of OScommerce and work which you have carried out ideally with size and colour product options.
We are looking to form a relationship with someone who has very strong and OScommerce skills. Initially we will need someone to convert an OScommerce site provide templates which we can update regularly......
8. 2007 webcompany
The product is a high quality tile which is very stylish and up-scale. The website should be reflective of a fashionable French product and rely more on design and visual elements than on text to convey this image.

What I like about the VIA website is that it’s short on text and very sensual. Also I think this type of website achieves the scalability requirement – you don’t need much text and the fashion image it creates comes across all cultures.

Some specific goals for the website:

a) Create a fashionable Image for the ChiNa company which will manage the tile distribution,
b) Provide marketing assistance to the ChiNa Dealers to help them present the tiles to customers,
c) Create a stylish image for the tiles,
d) Provide a means to collect contact information from either Tile Dealers wanting to distribute our tile, or Architects/Contractors wanting to incorporate our products into their buildings,
e) Website will lod quickly and contain code so it can be easily found by search engines,
f) Be adaptable to a new market,
g) Be easily updatable with minimal maintenance,
h) Deliver all codes at completion of the project so I may host, administer, and maintain the website.
i) Total pages to be under 10......

9. label design
I need to create a label that i can press onto snack packaging but will be displayed on my site. Imagine a bag of nuts with label and logo on the pack.

I have attached my work so far but i will like it overhauled, be able to use your imagination. Please see format attached
10. OS page design and integration
1. Graphic design for a How it works extra info page,student affiliate page extra-info page and prize draw competition page. Information will be supplied. Graphics and/or thumbnail images needed for the the different product categories about 20.
2. In the create membership account pages add an extra and optional field for members to choose a charity to make donations to, charity option should be listed horizontal with URL linked logo if available.
3. Gift subscription/certificate page and link to relevant files can supply working example if unsure.
4. In product_new.php page change the buttons, to other ones already present elsewhere on the site. Change either colour of font in button or the colour of the buttons.....

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