Monday, December 31, 2007

freelancer website Development, Domain & Hosting jobs

RSS feed reader
would like a feed RSS generator that is easy to install (no need for MySQL I think) and outputs a code that the settings are editable from.
The script is to be installed by other users so it needs to have some kind of interface, even if it is just a table with fields and tick boxes....
2.Image swap
i need 6 images on an image map to swap when moused over and at the same time trigger a swap of a second image which is not being moused over.

because the static images are part of a non-linear image map, it is likely necessary that you superpose the active image on the static image when it is moused over, instead of doing a real 1-to-1 swap.....
3. SMS to be withdrawn
need a software that will be able to synclonise with existing bank software eg foxpro and then read the account balance according to account holder request. The software you need to make is one that is biometric and can accept a fingerprint reader....

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